Wendy Cicchetti's Commentary

Archive for January, 2022

Your Capricorn Child

by on Saturday, January 1st, 2022

While there are many philosophies on child development and parenting, bottom line, we need to know what really works and how we can help our little ones develop socially, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Astrology provides that personal factor. There is no better information to assist a parent then an understanding of a child’s astrological makeup. It is a child development strategy written specifically for your unique son or daughter. Every parent wants to do what is best for their child. Astrology can give you the insight you need.

(If this description does not accurately describe your Capricorn child, there may be strong modifiers coming from other planets or sensitive points in the Natal chart which can overshadow Capricorn characteristics.)

Capricorn (December 21 – January 19)

Capricorn – Loving the Work

Capricorn Sun babies are serious and responsible even when very small. Infants can look prematurely wise and solemn, like little old people. They seem to be adults who are working their way backward to childhood and can act in astonishingly mature ways at a very young age, assuming responsibilities and giving advice to elders. Capricorn may develop a quirky sense of humor in order to compensate for an overly serious approach to life. As soon as Capricorns can walk and talk, they want to be helpful and do something important and may carry on surprisingly adult conversations with those who offer guidance. Because of all this seriousness, young Capricorn needs to be encouraged to play. Forms of play that teach while reaching a practical result are the best. Evan at play, they will give off the concentrated air of an adult busy at real work.

School is often approached in an organized fashion and their ambition will surface in the school years where goal-oriented Capricorn will work very hard to excel. Praise is not very important to the Capricorn student, but recognition and respect for real achievements is vital. Since they tend to focus on establishment-oriented topics and time-tested methods, Capricorns favor politics and history. Reading about successful people serves as inspiration. They will usually excel in those subjects that have a practical end, leaving the fantasy to others.

Though Capricorn children enjoy being taken seriously and given responsibility, when the burden becomes too great they notice other children don’t work so hard and become envious. Capricorn must be allowed to be a child. as the sign produces workaholics.. Taking responsibility comes naturally to this sign and the young can easily shoulder more than they are actually capable of handling. The wise parent will not allow this to happen, no matter how eager the child seems to take on more. Adult decisions should not be made by children. The results can be quite damaging to the child’s development.

Capricorn is very concerned with reputation. They enjoy the “State of the Art” as it often improves their public image. Young Capricorn girls can be very clothes conscious, needing to look put-together and organized with the appropriate accessories. The boys can also be concerned about their appearance, but need the respect for the big toys and popular electronics, the things they can show to their friends. They will do whatever is necessary so as not to let anyone notice that they may have a chink in their armor, or may not have ample money and resources. Capricorns are usually good with money and will feel the need to start saving early on.

Efficiency is the Capricorn watchword. What works is accepted and applauded, what does not work is discarded without a backward glance because everything must serve the same end: usefulness. Thus, feelings will be tempered with reality. Capricorn asks, even of love, “Will this work?” and if the answer is “no”, it turns away.

Capricorn is considered one of the cold signs and does not have a”touchy feely” emotional side. Close relationships can be frustrating for the partner as deep emotions require to much of Capricorn’s practical energy. They tend to be non communicative about intimacy and don’t feel comfortable with public displays of affection. They do enjoy however, having others around that respect and depend on them.

Preferring the administrative and executive side of life, Capricorn may not show much enthusiasm for sports and physical activities. This teen is more likely to be the student council president than captain of an athletic team.

Capricorn is very discriminating and detailed oriented, making good managers. They are often judgmental, pessimistic and conservative and quickly spot the flaws and mistakes in authority figures and systems and set about creating useful alternatives, filling in the blanks themselves or taking over the system.

Capricorn symbolizes father, authority, the social order, pragmatism and the slow but sure ascent to the top of the heap. Driven by ambition to succeed sccording the the world’s rules, the goat endures. Capricorn builds what is practical and useful to society, looking to authority figures to determine the right way to of doing things, wanting to know exactly what the rules are. Then, when meticuliously sticking to the game plan, Capricorn glories in success and enjoys a good pat on the back.